The workshop “Geothermal Energy: Opportunities and Challenges” funded from the collaborative projects S4CE and Geo-Coat took place at TWI on the 10th of October 2019.

The workshop aimed to identify challenges with geothermal exploitation and demonstrate the techno-economic solutions through contributions of H2020 projects S4CE and Geo-Coat.

Speakers from TWI, Zorlu Energy, IGA, IGF, ON Power, University of Iceland, Enel Green Power, Vito and UCL gave presentations on the current market trends and state of the power sector: Are we ready for a geothermal revolution and on solutions to materials and casing challenges: Showcasing H2020 initiatives at TWI.

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Geothermal at TWI

Building on its expertise and knowledge in coatings, material properties and
performance, plant management, and joining technologies, TWI pioneers geothermal
energy research by providing solutions to help improve flexibility and efficiency of geothermal
systems, while reducing plant operational costs, including provision of holistic approaches for
cheap and efficient drilling solutions