News & Events
A word of closure from Prof. Alberto Striolo and Prof. Adrian Jones
The S4CE project brought together 23 partners from across Europe paving the way for expert international collaborations to monitor, measure, control and prevent environmental contamination related to geo-energy operations. During 40 months, the consortium has achieved...
S4CE policy recommendations for more geothermal energy production in Europe
In the European context and as a clean technology, geothermal energy falls within the ambit of the European Union (EU) energy policy. During 2019 and 2020, the EU has signalled its intent to become a net-zero bloc by 2050 by launching several large strategic...
Life Cycle Assessment-based software for geothermal applications available for download
S4CE assessed the environmental impacts, including carbon emissions, of geothermal operations at partners site by means of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). S4CE partners Andrea Paulillo (UCL), Xiaofei Cui (TWI) and Paul Brown (TWI) worked together to develop a flexible...
A first ever undisturbed temperature profile to about 3.5 km total vertical depth was obtained within “St.Gallen GT-1”
Partner St.Gallen has been aiming at supporting the work of S4CE partners by indirectly determining well integrity by simple means (existing methodology / technology) within the easy accessible sections of the well during standard well maintenance procedures. The work...
St. Gallen episode on the IS-EPOS Platform now public!
The data from St. Gallen field site in Switzerland is now fully open on the IS-EPOS platform. This episode is related to geothermal energy production, with a data set for correlating seismic activity to fluid injection and gas-water production that lead to increased...
Geothermal energy site in Cornwall active again
The geothermal energy site in Cornwall has been active again, running pumping water tests in the geothermal wellbores. Ryan Law, Director of Geothermal Engineering Ltd (GEL) explains: "Two sets of injection tests have now been run at the United Downs site. S4CE...
Measurements of well integrity at St. Gallen field site
In the first week of September, the St. Gallen well operator and field site received the visit of our experienced German partner Geomecon for quality control, along with the subcontractor Geotec Consult which worked on the coordination, field quality control, and...
4-month extension request has now been formally granted to S4CE
S4CE end date is officially pushed back to the 31st of December 2020, instead of the 31st of August 202. All delayed deliverables have now their official new due dates. A 4-month extension has been granted by the European Commission in order to complete the activities...
S4CE and Goldschmidt 2020: a successful virtual session!
With 40 registered participants and over 60 people giving their time and resources to attend and contribute with outstanding work and that made our session a total success. We had Georges Beaudoin (Université Laval) as a keynote speaker, talking about Passive Carbon...
New report on the mapping of the geologic conditions near the five S4CE field sites
This report compiles the existing geological information of field sites of interest to S4CE. It is the result of the contribution of GEOMECON GMBH, St. Gallen, OR, ENI. The report is available here. It includes the depth and location of the geologic formations of...
Carbfix wins the European Geothermal Innovation Award 2020
The geothermal innovators of the year This year on the 27th May 2020 the Ruggero Bertani European Geothermal Innovation Award 2020 was earned by the Icelandic Carbfix project and German company Eavor on equal merit. The Carbfix process captures CO2 and other sour...
New hydraulic stimulation data on the platform IS EPOS
After data harmonization and adoption procedures the data from hydraulic stimulation at Cooper Basin (Australia, Queensland) has been made fully open on the IS-EPOS platform. The episode COOPER BASIN can be found here The Cooper Basin geothermal field is located in...
TWI conducts resonance fatigue test to detects cracks in the well
TWI conducted a resonance fatigue test in their world-class facilities to assess the suitability of vibration analysis and acoustic emission techniques to detect crack initiation and growth on the geothermal well casing before it fails. A 4.4 meters well casing was...
European Geosciences Union writes about gender balance issues with Ortensia Amoroso from UniSa
Ortensia Amoroso is a Research Fellow at the Physics Department of the University of Salerno, Italy. She holds a fixed-term research contract funded by the Horizon 2020 project S4CE Science for Clean Energy. Ortensia is also part of the work team of the PRIN-2017...
UNISA organised an event for high school students promoted bythe Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research
On February 6th and 11th, UNISA organised an event for high school students in line with the Scientific Degree Plan (PLS) promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research. The objective is the dissemination of scientific culture, to...
Testimony – Former Global Management of Natural Resources MSc student successful achievements
Chibuikem Nwayo, a former Global Management of Natural Resources (GMNR) MSc student, did his research with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) while at the University of South Australia (UniSA). It led to a recent paper on Nutrient...
A successful PhD defence at UEF: fluid monitoring in cement-based materials using electrical tomography
Antti Voss from UEF successfully defended his doctoral dissertation “Imaging moisture flows in cement-based materials using electrical capacitance tomography” at the University of Eastern Finland on February 7, 2020. The opponent in the public examination was...
Press release – S4CE partner GeoT is part of the h2020 project CROWDTHERMAL
EU-funded CROWDTHERMAL project aims at empowering society to participate in the development of geothermal projects using alternative financing schemes CROWDTHERMAL is a new project funded under the European Union’s Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020 (grant...
S4CE contributed to Deep Carbon: Past to Present book – Chapter 12 The Influence of Nanoporosity on the Behavior of Carbon-Bearing Fluids
Prof. Striolo is a long-time collaborator of Prof. David Cole, of the Ohio State University, and together in the frame of S4CE they contributed to the new book Deep Carbon: Past to Present from the Deep Carbon Observatory (October 2019) Deep Carbon: Past to Present...
ARMINES-Subatech was in Russia for the 10th Scientific and Engineering Conference
During his participation in the 10th Scientific and Engineering Conference on "Supercritical Fluids: Fundamentals, Technologies, Innovations", Prof. Andrey Kalinichev from ARMINES Subatech (Nantes, France) gave a lecture on "Supercritical carbon dioxide in the...
First MIRICO system deployment for fugitive gas emission measurement at Hellisheiði
As part of S4CE, the very first test deployment of MIRICO multi beam open path gas sensor is taking place at the Hellisheiði CarbFix site in collaboration with Reykjavik Energy. The system designed for harsh field environment made it without issues to Hellisheiði, and...
Summer school No Risk No Energy – Testimony
S4CE Summer School "No risk, no energy" took place at the University of Salerno (Unisa) in the broader framework of S4CE commitment on training the next generation of scientists who will be in charge of the sustainable deployment of geo-energy operations. The summer...
S4CE partner UEF visited the Underground Rock Laboratory in Mont Terri
Aku Seppänen from UEF visited the Underground Rock Laboratory in Mont Terri, Switzerland, in September 16, 2019. The visit was hosted by Dr. Alba Zappone and Dr. Antonio Rinaldi from Swiss Seismological Service, ETH Zürich. UEF and ETH Zürich are planning...
Science 4 Clean Energy Forum the 4th November at the Geological Society, London
S4CE Forum on Monday 4th November 2019 8:45am - 400pm at the Geological Society, Picadilly, London. The event S4CE is organising a day-long forum on Monday Nov 4th 2019 to present the project results and offer perspectives on clean energy to a wide audience from...
TWI testing new techniques to assess casing integrity in St Gallen, S4CE geothermal field site
S4CE partner TWI went to St Gallen, one of our geothermal field-site in Switzerland for a week of testing. From the 27th to the 29th of August, Sofia Sampethai (TWI) and Thomas Bloch (St Gallen) have been testing new techniques developed by TWI: Acoustic Emission and...
S4CE was present at the International Statistical Seismology Workshop
From the 18th to the 21th of August, S4CE partners Stanislaw Lasocki and Beata Orlecka-Sikora from the Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences particpated to The International Statistical Seismology workshop StatSei in Hanoke, Japan. They presented their...
S4CE and Summer Challenge 2019 at UCL: Engineering Solutions from Nature.
Summer Challenge 2019 – Engineering Solutions from Nature At UCL, within the Faculty of Engineering and UCL's Access and Widening Participation team, S4CE held the 2019 Summer Challenge, which had the theme: Engineering Solutions from Nature. A six week summer...
Geothermal Resources Council publish about S4CE and TWI work
Geothermal Resources Council has published an article regarding S4CE and the work that TWI is performing in the project. "S4CE: Science for Clean Energy project seeks to develop a scientific workflow for informing policy makers and the wide public By TWI Ltd.,...
Summer School “No risk No Energy” Sept 2019 – Agenda available!
The agenda for the “No Risk No Energy” Summer School at University of Salerno, Italy (16th-18th of September 2019) is now available. You can find it here attached and it is also published in our website. Agenda Summer School - Sept 2019 Practical information for...
Intriguing experiments at Imperial College London with UEF and NC State researchers
University of Eastern Finland and NC State visited Imperial College London from June 24th to 28th 2019 in the context of S4CE activities on Samples & Fluid Characterisation. At ICL Imaging Laboratory, they collaborated in on the combination of x-ray CT and...
Two S4CE partners planning for collaboration through students exchange #MIRICO #UniversityofEasternFinland
MIRICO (Damien Weidmann, CSO) visits the Computational Physics and Inverse Problems Group of the University of Eastern Finland (UEF) in Kuopio (Aku Seppänen, Associate Professor). The two organisations, partnering within S4CE, discussed and established plans for...
New job opportunity within S4CE: Research Assistant, Imperial College London
The Department of Chemical Engineering is seeking a Research Assistant/Associate to join S4CE. The post is hosted under the supervision of Dr. Ronny Pini and focuses on the study of the sorption properties of porous geomaterials, including clay-rich rocks, at...
TWI published a case study on their work in S4CE: Condition monitoring techniques for geothermal well casings
TWI’s role in S4CE is to identify the most appropriate technique or combination of techniques for monitoring geothermal well casings. Read the full case study here:...
S4CE is organising a Summer School “No Risk, no Energy” in Salerno, Italy 16-18 September 2019
S4CE is organising its second summer school "No Risk, no Energy", September 16-18, 2019, UNISA Campus, dedicated to graduates, PhD students, Post-docs (max 25). Priliminary information can be found on the website at The deadline to...
S4CE member and Managing Director of GEL, Ryan Law, will speak at the Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels, 19th June 2019
Ryan Law, S4CE member and Managing Director of Geothermal Engineering Ltd is invited as a speaker at the Sustainable Energy Week in Brussels, 17-21 June 2019. Ryan will speak about innovations enabling the wider use of geothermal energy and the contribution of H2020...
S4CE partner TWI published a press release regarding their work on new systems for failure detection in geothermal well casings
Read the full press release that TWI published on their website regarding S4CE here: The press release was also shared from the following web...
An article about the H2020 ShaleXenvironmenT project results has been published on CORDIS
The ShaleXenvironmenT project was established to better understand the environmental impacts of shale gas extraction in Europe. The main project findings and achievements of the ShaleXenvironmenT consortium are summarised in the CORDIS article here:...
First evidence of potential recovery of shale gas in the UK has been
Cuadrilla today announced results from its flow-testing of the UK’s first ever horizontal shale gas exploration well, drilled through the shale rock more than 7,500 feet beneath the Preston New Road exploration site in Lancashire. Read the full article...
MIRICO has produced a 3D animated video about its unique open path sensing technology
MIRICO has produced a 3D animated video to easily visualize how its unique open path sensing technology enables gas emissions quantification and localization at energy-related field sites. Watch the video below. [video width="1920" height="1080"...
S4CE partners MIRICO and UEF visited Rutherford Appleton Laboratory to collaborate on the data analysis in gas sensing
In January 23, Aku Seppänen from S4CE partner UEF made a visit to Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. The visit was hosted by Damien Weidmann (MIRICO) with the purpose to initiate collaboration between MIRICO and UEF on the data analysis in gas sensing. Picture:...
The S4CE consortium starts the new year enthusiastic and full of new ideas!
Last week (24-25th January 2019) members from all 22 S4CE partners met in London to discuss the project progress and define the strategy for the next period. We were pleased to see how the various pieces of research come together, and how each partner has taken...
Next S4CE Project Meeting in London, 24-25 January 2019
Just one more day until our next S4CE meeting in London! We are excited to see everyone again and meeting the new Early Career Researchers! Check out the agenda here.
S4CE Cornwall site is ready to start drilling!
After years of waiting the first UK geothermal hot rocks energy project started drilling today in Cornwall. The rig, operated by British company Geothermal Engineering Ltd, on Tuesday starts what will be the deepest ever onshore well in the UK — at 4.5km it will be...
The IS-EPOS Platform welcomes the S4CE Project!
The IS-EPOS platform will be used for storage of new data acquired during the S4CE project. A preview providing some information on data from S4CE can be found by visiting the platform here. Check out our website to find out more about S4CE Data & IS-EPOS...
Shaleology forum 3rd edition!
The 3rd edition of the Shaleology forum is coming to the Geological Society London on Wednesday, 3rd October 2018. A number of speakers from Academia, Industry and Government will present the latest developments in the Shale Gas research, save...
Clariant announces cooperation with S4CE partner Haelixa
Clariant, a world leader in specialty chemicals, announced a cooperation with Haelixa, a Swiss startup with expertise in DNA-based tracers and a spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich (Switzerland). As part of...
News from S4CE field site in St.Gallen: Additional station for microseismic network online since June 2018
The additional station SGT18 for microseismic network is online in St.Gallen since June 2018. The network is completed for S4CE needs as planned. The operator is Swiss Seismological Service. Citation information and a Swiss view (national...
ICC 2018 in Energy Procedia
The International Carbon Conference 2018 will be held in Reykjavík, Iceland in September this year. The conference is a joint outreach meeting between five networks; CarbFix, S4CE, Metal-Aid, Deep Carbon Observatory and Carbon SAFE. The...
Hot-off-the-press: The new S4CE leaflet is now available.
The new S4CE leaflet is now available. Download the leaflet here. Note all comments must be approved so your comment will not appear immediately.
Drilling operations at the Cornwall field site are starting soon
S4CE is excited about the start of drilling operations at the new field site in Cornwall. The picture above shows the location of the two wells as well as the foundations for the office. We will post more updates about the progress in the next...
The Summer Challenge ‘Engineering Solutions from Nature’ 2018 is underway
The Summer Challenge ‘Engineering Solutions from Nature’ is underway. A dozen pupils have been learning about Chemical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Biochemical Engineering and Earth Sciences during a 5-week programme offered by...
NOW OPEN: PDRA position in environmental microbiology – biogeochemistry at the Laboratory of Geology in Lyon
The Laboratory of Geology of Lyon (Université Lyon1 & ENS de Lyon, France) invites applications for a postdoctoral research associate in environmental microbiology - biogeochemistry. The project is part of the multi-disciplinary consortium...
University of Eastern Finland and North Carolina State University visited Imperial College London and UCL in May 21-25
Everyone smiles after 2 productive days of experiments ! Here with colleagues from University of Eastern Finland and North Carolina State University looking into fluid transport in cement. University of Eastern Finland researchers Aku Seppänen,...
S4CE field site CarbFix featured on BBC News: Turning carbon dioxide into rock – forever
The Hellisheidi power station, 25km (15 miles) outside Reykjavik, is Iceland’s main geothermal plant, and is one of the largest in the world.
NOW OPEN: PDRA position to study of the adsorption properties of porous materials
NOW OPEN: one PDRA position to study of the adsorption properties of porous materials, including both natural and engineered samples. The position is associated with the recently funded EU project Science For Clean Energy (S4CE). Interested?...
S4CE Partner MIRICO Ltd. Receives New Funding
DCO funding supported the development of a rugged, portable volcano monitoring device that helped launch the gas analysis instrument company MIRICO Ltd. Now, the company has received a £3.5 million (about US$4.75 million) investment to support...
S4CE Kick-off meeting in London
The S4CE Kick-Off meeting was held at UCL in London 4-5 September, 2017. This meeting was the first opportunity for the 23 consortium members from 10 academic institutions, 3 subsurface industry energy operators, 7 Industrial partners, and 3...
S4CE consortium visit to St. Gallen, Switzerland
Above: Field Site 4 “St.Gallen” (Switzerland) and participating S4CE partners during field site visit on Nov. 3rd, 2017 Within S4CE a one-day site visit to Field Site St.Gallen (Switzerland) took place on November 3rd,2017. During that day,...
S4CE site visit to the CarbFix injection site at Hellisheidi in Iceland
Above: S4CE delegation visiting the Hellisheidi Power plant 24.10. 2017 Ten visitors from seven partners of the S4CE project visited the CarbFix injection site at Hellisheidi on the 24th of October 2017. After a short introduction and safety...
S4CE consortium visit to NIS Rusanda field site
The S4CE project consortium visit to NIS oil and gas field Rusanda took place on 23-24 November 2017. The Rusanda field site is one of the four European sites at the core of S4CE project, where development and deployment of the novel...
Upcoming Events
There are no upcoming events.
Past Events

S4CE is taking the opportunity of the French Geological Society meeting « Reunions des Sciences de la Terre – Earth Sciences Meeting » in Lyon from the 26th to the 30th of October 2020 to organise a 2-day meeting with:
- A stakeholders event: Wednesday 28th October 2020 (afternoon);
- A final consortium meeting: Thursday 29th October 2020 (all day).
The French Geological Society’s events gather industrials, researchers and geosciences professionals to create a space of exchange and network. It is also our last occasion to meet, share our results, and present our latest developments and innovations.
S4CE is conveying a session on “CO2 sequestration, geothermal energy, unconventional energy operations in the subsurface: state of the art” (T5.8) on Wednesday 28th October.
We need you to submit your abstracts to the S4CE session by the 17th July 2020.
To submit, follow the instructions below:
- Create a SciencesConf account – this is necessary to submit an abstract;
- Click here to submit and select T5.8 CO2 sequestration, geothermal energy, unconventional energy operations in the subsurface: state of the art;
- A template (a word document, also attached to this email) is available to submit your abstract – no other template will be accepted;
- Please follow the instructions regarding police, margins, size and text length. Abstracts that are not following the template will be rejected. Only word file or odt (not in PDF) will be accepted.
- When you submit, please use low cases (no upper cases accepted);
- Please follow the layout instructions:
- Authors: Georgia 11 for Name and First name. 3 lines maximum. No uppercases for name and first name. Indicate the lead author with *
- Affiliation : Georgia 9 – Justified – Indicate the laboratory or institute with the country (no postal address)
- Text: Georgia 11 – Justified – 2000 characters maximum
- Key words: Georgia 9
- Your abstract shouldn’t be longer than one page.
The registration fee (360€ TT for standard registration) that will be invoiced in September – if the meeting is confirmed.
The S4CE 3rd annual consortium meeting will take place from the 3rd to the 5th of June 2020 in a new format as S4CE is adapting to the Covid-19 situation.
Each Work Package will have the opportunity to report on project activities despite the impossibility to meet and discuss S4CE activities and results in person.
Partners will present their latest developments and results remotely, with three 2-hour afternoon sessions from the 3rd to the 5th of June 2020.
The agenda is available here
– Wednesday 3rd of June: WP1, WP2 & WP3;
– Thursday 4th of June: WP6, WP7 (Carbfix and Nesjavellir), WP8 & WP9;
– Friday 5th of June: WP4, WP5 & WP7 (St Gallen, Mont Terri, Cornwall).
From the 17th to the 20th of September, more than 60 partners involved in S4CE gathered for the 2nd Annual Consortium Meeting organised by S4CE partner UNISA in Salerno, Italy.
Results and technologies developed in the frame of the project within the last months were presented. It was also the occasion to track the roadmap for the last 12 months of the project and reinforce the common purpose and goal of the consortium. S4CE demonstrated that a lot has been done to build up a strong network. S4CE Advisory Board Members acknowledged the complexity of S4CE Consortium and the unique set of field sites represented, each at different stages of development. They also encouraged the partners and congratulated on the success to date.
S4CE came a long way and is now fully productive. It is a great demonstration of capacity building across Europe, with a large portfolio of instruments and software tools being developed. These innovations can be combined to build assets that will be used in the implementation of subsurface operations. Further, this Consortium Meeting marked the starting point of ethics discussions for sub-surface operations that we will build in and integrate with S4CE activities.
The project will continue its work and assemble what is being produced in a coherent way to increase awareness of ethical questions and formulate recommendations to society. Watch that space!
Watch the recording of this event here.